Sunrise, 7:15am; Sunset, 6:33pm.
Tides at the west end of San Mateo Bridge: 0'10" Low at 5:10am, 7'8" High at 11:22am, 0'5" Low at 5:50pm, 7'2" High at 11:53pm
Missing from the trip talley: Swallow sp.
Mammals: Bobcat and Dolphin (Pigeon Point), Elk (San Antonio Valley Rd), Coyote (Del Puerto Canyon Rd), California Ground Squirrel, Common Muskrat, Blacktailed Jackrabbit, and a small rabbit (Desert Cottontail)
Species by only some of the party: Peregrine Falcon (seen by 2 of 4 on San Mateo bridge) Also saw Swallow sp.